I need to integrate GridWeb into a JAVA EE project that uses Primefaces, is this possible?
I downloaded examples and try to run gridwebspringdemo and I did not manage to show the UI, I have received an error: NullPointerException at com.aspose.gridweb.test.TestGridWebBaseServlet.doPost(TestGridWebBaseServlet.java:65).
I have seen that there is gridwebdemo for Java, where can I find it and have access to download it?
Thank you!
Aspose.Cells for GridWeb (Java) is JSP/servlets based web control/component which is included in the official Aspose.Cells for Java release archive, so it becomes a part of it. Aspose.Cells.GridWeb can also be used in spring framework. See the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb (Java) docs for your reference. Moreover,
you can also download and browse examples for reference.
I am not sure if PrimeFaces supports JSP/servlets entirely. In short, if you can use/run similar Java APIs with PrimeFaces, you can use it otherwise not.