Cannot access class PngOptions

In the Manifest.MF of


there is only the package “com.aspose.imaging” exported:

Export-Package: com.aspose.imaging;version=“19.1”

But the class PngOptions is located in


I cannot access classes outside of the root package. I guess in a maven context the “Export-Package” declaration work recursive. I my context it does not (we are using a Eclipse target platform for resolving the dependency). I suggest you to export every needed package explicitly.

As a workaround I can change the Manifest.MF to export all needed packages. Do I have the permission to do this?

Thanks in advance.


Can you please try to use Aspose.Imaging latest version 19.4 on your end. If there is still an issue than please share sample project so that we may further investigate and help you out. Also i regret to inform that you are not allowed to change Manifest.MF file as per company policy.

The Manifest.MF of version 19.4 has an equals “Export-Package” declaration. So the error occurs with this version, too.

We will discuss internally whether we want to provide a test project, as the target platform construct is a complicated thing.


Sure, please share sample project so that we may further investigate to help you out.