Cannot Controll "RotationOrder" in FBX File

Hi, I found “RotationOrder” in FBX file like this.

ObjectType: "Model" {
	Count: 1442
	PropertyTemplate: "FbxNode" {
		Properties70:  {
			P: "RotationOrder", "enum", "", "",0

And I found “RotationOrder” category in Aspose 3D Documentation.It says that the rotation order can be set differently depending on the Enum, but it seems that the “RotationOrder” of the FBX file converted from RVM is fixed to 0. Can you please tell me the code or method to change this value?


We have generated a ticket (as THREEDNET-1500) to check this case and as soon as it is resolved, we will update you via this forum thread. Please spare us some time.

The code snippet you posted are the standard object template definition from Autodesk FBX SDK, we cannot and should not modify that.

But you can use the following code to add extra property to force all node’s rotation order to specified value:

            var rvm = Scene.FromFile(@"F1234.rvm");
            rvm.RootNode.Accept((Node node) =>
                node.SetProperty("RotationOrder", 1); //set a custom property, exporter will match this to FBX's property.
                return true; //continue to traverse on other nodes 
            rvm.Save(@"test.fbx", FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);
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