Cannot find Aspose.Words.JasperReports.lic in Eclipse

Our customer bought Aspose.Words for JasperReports V21.9 - Developer OEM - 1 Developer and Unlimited Deployment Locations - Includes Maintenance and Support. The trial version runs fine. Now I want to embedded the license file. I copy the file into my project: C:\ISA\aspose\Aspose.Words.JasperReports.lic
Now I put following code into my method for .doc-reports:

AWDocExporter exporter = new AWDocExporter();
String strLicenseFile = new String("C:\\ISA\\aspose\\Aspose.Words.JasperReports.lic");
InputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(strLicenseFile);
//check file exists	
File fl = new File(strLicenseFile);
if (fl.exists() && !fl.isDirectory()) {
	String strExistFile = fl.getName();
com.aspose.words.jasperreports.License license = new com.aspose.words.jasperreports.License();
exporter.setParameter(AWExporterParameter.LICENSE, "Aspose.Words.JasperReports.lic"); 
exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, os);

He can’t finde the license file. The debugger said:

fl.exists is true

I try the


also with the String as parameter:


But it’s the same problem. What it’s wrong with my code?

@sdenning As I can see in your code you set license after instantiating AWDocExporter. Note, the license must be set before any Aspose.Words classes are instantiated. Please try moving setting license code into the application start before instantiating AWDocExporter. Also make sure license.setLicense(fstream) does not throw an exception.
If you would like to use the license as a parameter, it should be placed in the appropriate folder (for example your application’s folder or JasperReports\lib). Please see the Licensing section in our documentation.

Now I set the license first and than I use AWDocExporter exporter = new AWDocExporter();
but it’s the same problem. Cannot find license ‘Aspose.Words.JasperReports.lic’.

// Lokaler Test
String strLicenseLokal = new String(“C:\ISA\aspose\Aspose.Words.JasperReports.lic”);
InputStream fstreamLokal = new FileInputStream(strLicenseLokal);
File fLokal = new File(strLicenseLokal);
String strExistFileLokal = fLokal.getName();

if (fLokal.exists() && !fLokal.isDirectory()) {
// do something
String strOK = fLokal.getName();

com.aspose.words.jasperreports.License license = new com.aspose.words.jasperreports.License();

AWDocExporter exporter = new AWDocExporter();
exporter.setParameter(AWExporterParameter.LICENSE, “Aspose.Words.JasperReports.lic”);
exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, os);

Same Error when I try to set the license with String:


@sdenning Thank you for additional information. I suspect the problem is caused by the following line:

exporter.setParameter(AWExporterParameter.LICENSE, “Aspose.Words.JasperReports.lic”);

You do not need to use both methods to set the license. It is enough to use this code to set the license:

com.aspose.words.jasperreports.License license = new com.aspose.words.jasperreports.License();

So, please try to remove setting the license as a parameter. Please let me know if the problem still persist.

Now it works fine after I only set the license with license.setLicense(strLicenseLokal); and delete the AWExporterParameter.LICENSE, “Aspose.Words.JasperReports.lic”

There was a missunderstanding with the documentation Licensing|Aspose.Words for JasperReports
I put the first two steps in my code, because the documentation said “The first two are used with JasperReports”.

Thanks a lot!!!

@sdenning It is perfect that everything is working fine now. Thank you for pointing to the problem in our documentation. We will update it.