'Cannot read array shape property.'

There is probably some problem with this document, but I cannot figure it out. Here is the error message:

[PleaseReportException: Exception ‘Cannot read array shape property.’ occured in Aspose.Words for .NET
For free technical support, please post this error and the file in the Aspose.Words Forums [http://www.aspose.com/forums/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=75.\]](http://www.aspose.com/forums/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=75.%5D)
`   `ᅳ.᱒.࿞(BinaryReader ڛ) +176
`   `ᅳ.᱁.࿷(BinaryReader ڛ, Int32 ᱆) +100
`   `ᅳ.᰾.DoRead(BinaryReader reader) +82
`   `ᅳ.ᩓ.࿷(ᩕ ࢫ, BinaryReader ڛ) +43
`   `ᅳ.᩻.࿷(BinaryReader ڛ, Int32 ހ) +189
`   `ᅳ.ᩍ.DoRead(BinaryReader reader) +24
`   `ᅳ.ᩓ.࿷(ᩕ ࢫ, BinaryReader ڛ) +43
`   `ᅳ.᩻.࿷(BinaryReader ڛ, Int32 ހ) +189
`   `ᅳ.ᩍ.DoRead(BinaryReader reader) +24
`   `ᅳ.ᩓ.࿷(ᩕ ࢫ, BinaryReader ڛ) +43
`   `ᅳ.᩻.࿷(BinaryReader ڛ, Int32 ހ) +189
`   `ᅳ.ᩍ.DoRead(BinaryReader reader) +24
`   `ᅳ.ᩓ.࿷(ᩕ ࢫ, BinaryReader ڛ) +43
`   `ᅳ.᩻.࿷(BinaryReader ڛ, Int32 ހ) +189
`   `ᅳ.ᩍ.DoRead(BinaryReader reader) +24
`   `ᅳ.ᩓ.࿷(ᩕ ࢫ, BinaryReader ڛ) +43
`   `ᅳ.ᨧ.࿷(BinaryReader ᨲ, Int32 ᨳ, Int32 ᗝ, BinaryReader ᨴ) +166
`   `ᗅ.ᗄ.࿷() +1632
`   `Aspose.Words.Document.ژ(Stream Ԩ, LoadFormat ਓ, String ਔ) +428
`   `Aspose.Words.Document…ctor(String fileName, LoadFormat loadFormat, String password) +220
`   `Aspose.Words.Document…ctor(String fileName) +9

Thank you for your inquiry.
I was able to open this document without issues by the latest version of Aspose.Words. Also I successfully saved it in several other formats. Are there any specific actions needed to reproduce this? I see that you are using Aspose.Words Please try the same with Aspose.Words 5.1.0:

Thanks, Viktor.

Will this version work fine with our current license?

If this is your first upgrade then yes, it will. Aspose.Words was issued on October 12, 2007. Probably your license was created not earlier, wasn’t it? Aspose.Words license allows you to get upgrades within one year after it is acquired. In the license file you can see the expiration date which is the purchasing date plus one year.
Have a nice day,

Thanks again, Viktor. Looks like we are good until November.
