Cannot run example in eclipse

Hi, I just download example from git and run in my eclipse, below is the result for running, there is no text being extracted,why?

Using data directory: C:\Java\Aspose.OCR-for-Java-master\Examples\src\main\resources\ExtractingTextfromPartofanImage
Block: java.awt.Rectangle[x=52,y=128,width=67,height=74] Text:
Block: java.awt.Rectangle[x=990,y=46,width=38,height=46] Text:

I can only manage to run , below is the result
answer -> abcdefghii klmnopqrstuvwxyz
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV<Rest of the text is trimmed due to evaluation restriction!>


We are looking into the issue(s) faced and will share our feedback in a while.


Thanks for your patience.

We have fixed found issues in GitHub Project of Aspose.OCR for Java. Would you please download it again and run in your environment. In case you face any issue, please feel free to let us know.