Hi, I just download example from git and run in my eclipse, below is the result for running
ExtractingTextfromPartofanImage.java, there is no text being extracted,why?
Using data directory: C:\Java\Aspose.OCR-for-Java-master\Examples\src\main\resources\ExtractingTextfromPartofanImage
Block: java.awt.Rectangle[x=52,y=128,width=67,height=74] Text:
Block: java.awt.Rectangle[x=990,y=46,width=38,height=46] Text:
I can only manage to run PerformOCROnImage.java , below is the result
answer -> abcdefghii klmnopqrstuvwxyz
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV<Rest of the text is trimmed due to evaluation restriction!>