Cannot save xls to stream

An FYI, I am getting the same behavior for xls and xlsx files. Is this recorded and slated for fix in 24.4.0 as well?

  # Traverse sheets and take chunks
  for chunk_start in range(0, len(workbook.worksheets), CHUNK_SIZE):
      chunk_end = min(chunk_start + CHUNK_SIZE, len(workbook.worksheets)) 
      # Create workbook to hold chunk
      with cells.Workbook() as chunk_sheets:
          for slide_index in range(chunk_start, chunk_end):
              # If we are past the first sheet, add a new page
              if slide_index > chunk_start:
              # For each sheet, copy the contents and name to the new workbook
              copy_sheet = workbook.worksheets[slide_index]
              chunk_sheets.worksheets[slide_index - chunk_start].name =
              chunk_sheets.worksheets[slide_index - chunk_start].copy(copy_sheet)
          with io.BytesIO() as out_stream:
    , save_format)                                    

@acn I have moved your question into Aspose.Cells support forum. My colleagues from Aspose.Cells team will help you shortly.


Could you please share sample (runnable) code using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET to reproduce the issue on our end. Also, kindly zip and attach the Excel file you are using to save it to stream. Moreover, please try using latest version of Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET v24.3 if you are not already using it.