Can't convert Workbook to PDF

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

doc.Save(stream, Aspose.FileFormatType.AsposePdf);

Aspose.Pdf pdf = new Aspose.Pdf();

pdf.IsImagesInXmlDeleteNeeded = true;
pdf.IsTruetypeFontMapCached = false;
pdf.TextInfo.IsFontEmbedded = true;
pdf.TextInfo.IsUnicode = true;

pdf.BindXML(stream, null);

pdf.Save(Path.Combine(WorkingFolder, @"Output\file.pdf"));

I get an error in BindXML method : "Input string format incorrect."

I use 4.4.1 version because our licence can't allow us to have a newer one.



Which Aspose.Pdf version do you use?

Please try the attached Aspose.Cells and Aspose.Pdf fix.

Ok i have try with last version of the DLL :

Aspose.Cells 4.4.3 and Aspose.Pdf

That works, PDF is generated.

But i have the following problems :

- Data of the pivot table are not refreshed (for now we use the excel option "refresh data at opening")

- With an excel 2007 document the chart is not displayed

Any idea ?



  • “Data of the pivot table are not refreshed (for now we use the excel option “refresh data at opening”)”

Currently Aspose.Cells will keep the pivot data if open/save a 2007xlsx format file. But it does not support get/set pivot table and pivot chart from 2007xlsx format file. We are not very clear about your need. Could you give us a template file and sample codes to show and reproduce the problem?

– “With an excel 2007 document the chart is not displayed”

The late versions of Aspose.Cells support to get/set chart data of 2007xlsx format file. If you still find the problem, please give us a template file and sample codes to show and reproduce the problem. We will check and fix it soon if found the problem.

Thank you.