Can't Generate PDF


I have this code which works:

workbook.Save(this.Response, "Report.xlsx", ContentDisposition.Inline, new XlsSaveOptions());

However the following code does not work (no error - just does'nt result in PDF)

workbook.Save(this.Response, "Report.pdf", ContentDisposition.Inline, new PdfSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Pdf));

Any suggestions appreciated.


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.

We have tested your issue with the latest version: Aspose.Cells
for .NET v7.5.0.5
and it works fine.

Please see the following code, which generates a workbook and save it in Response stream as attachment.

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

worksheet.Cells[“A1”].PutValue(“Welcome to Aspose!”);

workbook.Save(this.Response, “Report.pdf”, ContentDisposition.Attachment, new PdfSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Pdf));