Hello! I’m trying to pip3 install aspose-words on my Mac for trial purposes, and I’ve also signed up for the temporary license because I’m hoping to purchase aspose-words in the future, but neither mine nor my coworkers’ computers recognise aspose-words, and the command always causes an error:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement aspose-words (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for aspose-words
How do I install aspose-words trial? Am I missing something?
@anastasija Unfortunately, Aspose.Words for Python does not support MacOS yet. Currently only Windows and Linux operation systems are supported. Please see our documentation for more information: https://docs.aspose.com/words/python-net/system-requirements/
If everything goes smoothly MacOS will be supported after 22.8 version of Aspose.Words for Python (August-September 2022).
@katant Unfortunately, there are not news regarding the issue yet.
If you have issues with Aspose.Slides it is better to ask in the dedicated forum category: https://forum.aspose.com/c/slides/11
My colleagues from Aspose.Slides team are in better position to answer questions related to Aspose.Slides.
@softdev102985 Unfortunately, there are not news regarding the issue yet. We are working on providing Aspose.Words Python version of M1 CPU. We will be sure to let you know once it is available.
@softdev102985 Our porter team is actively working on support M1 CPU, once done, we will be able to provide Aspose.Words for Python for M1 CPU. The current estimate is the beginning of the next year, but this is a rough estimate and can be shifted. So you cannot 100% rely on it.