Can't read all tags from word document

Hi We are using ASPOSE library to parse a word document containing dropdown values.

It looks like some tags are read OK , but others not. Eg : tag3 in code below. There is no issue with some documents, but some do fail.

Sample code tried :

public async Task<ActionResult> UploadProcess(HttpPostedFileBase files, Guid? reviewID)
    var IsDocumentTagsExist = true;
    if (reviewID.HasValue)
        var model = new FileUploadModel();


        var fileData = await files.InputStream.CopyToArrayAsync();
        IsReviewTagsExist = _reviewApi.CheckDocumentFormTags(fileData);
        if (IsReviewTagsExist)
            await _sampleApi.ProcessFileUploadAsync(model, fileData);

    return Json(new { DocumentTagsExist = IsDocumentTagsExist }, "text/plain");

public bool CheckDocumentFormTags(byte[] fileData)
    var IsDocumentTagsExist = false;
    var IsTag1Exist = false;
    var IsTag2Exist = false;
    var IsTag3Exist = false;
    var doc = new Document(new MemoryStream(fileData));
    var sdtNodes = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.StructuredDocumentTag, true);

    foreach (StructuredDocumentTag sdt in sdtNodes)
        switch (sdt.Tag.ToLower())
            case "tag1":
                //code to read values goes here  
                IsTag1Exist = true;
            case "tag2":
                //code to read values goes here     
                IsTag2Exist = true;
            case "tag3":   // ISSUE HERE , tag3 is not read.
                //code to read values goes here            
                IsTag3Exist = true;


@georgeaspose Could you please attach the document that causes the issue? We will check it and provide you more information. Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell you what is wrong without your document.