Can't Update Portion of Text in Presentation Using Aspose.Slides for .NET


I am trying to update the portion of text in PowerPoint but its not getting updated where as the link is getting updated but not the text. I have portion.text to update the text value.

port.Text=port.Text.Replace(gatewayUrl, newDocumentUrl);

Port is the Portion. First line is working fine and second line is not working fine to replace the text.

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using (Aspose.Slides.Presentation presentation1 = new Aspose.Slides.Presentation(fileName))
// Iterate through all the slide parts in the presentation part.

foreach (Aspose.Slides.Slide slide in presentation1.Slides)

List HypLinks = new List();

//Get an Array of TextFrameEx objects from the first slide
ITextFrame[] textFramesSlideOne = Aspose.Slides.Util.SlideUtil.GetAllTextBoxes(slide);
//Loop through the Array of TextFrames
for (int i = 0; i < textFramesSlideOne.Length; i++)
//Loop through paragraphs in current TextFrame
foreach (Aspose.Slides.Paragraph para in textFramesSlideOne[i].Paragraphs)
//Loop through portions in the current Paragraph
foreach (Portion port in para.Portions)
if (port.PortionFormat.AsIHyperlinkContainer.HyperlinkClick != null)
if (port.PortionFormat.AsIHyperlinkContainer.HyperlinkClick.ExternalUrl != null)
string gatewayUrl = port.PortionFormat.AsIHyperlinkContainer.HyperlinkClick.ExternalUrl;
//gatewayUrl = "http://gateway/sites/Home/consumerbusiness/default.aspx";
if (gatewayUrl.Contains("http://gateway") || gatewayUrl.Contains("http://portail"))
if (gatewayUrl.ToLower().LastIndexOf('.') >= 0)
//if (gatewayUrl.ToLower().Substring(gatewayUrl.ToLower().LastIndexOf('.')) == ".ppt" || gatewayUrl.ToLower().Substring(gatewayUrl.ToLower().LastIndexOf('.')) == ".pptx" || gatewayUrl.ToLower().Substring(gatewayUrl.ToLower().LastIndexOf('.')) == ".doc" || gatewayUrl.ToLower().Substring(gatewayUrl.ToLower().LastIndexOf('.')) == ".docx" || gatewayUrl.ToLower().Substring(gatewayUrl.ToLower().LastIndexOf('.')) == ".xls" || gatewayUrl.ToLower().Substring(gatewayUrl.ToLower().LastIndexOf('.')) == ".xlsx" || gatewayUrl.ToLower().Substring(gatewayUrl.ToLower().LastIndexOf('.')) == ".pdf")
//if (gatewayUrl.Contains(".pdf") || gatewayUrl.Contains(".doc") || gatewayUrl.Contains(".docx") || gatewayUrl.Contains(".xls") || gatewayUrl.Contains(".xlsx") || gatewayUrl.Contains(".ppt") || gatewayUrl.Contains(".pptx"))

string newDocumentUrl = GetmyDeloitteDocumentUrl(pageUrl, gatewayUrl, logfile, exLog, dtDocumentUrls, dtPageUrls);
//port.Text=port.Text.Replace(gatewayUrl, newDocumentUrl);
para.Text = para.Text.Replace(gatewayUrl, newDocumentUrl);
// string newPageUrl = GetmyDeloittePageUrl(pageUrl, gatewayUrl, exLog, dtPageUrls);
// port.PortionFormat.HyperlinkManager.SetExternalHyperlinkClick(newPageUrl);
string newPageUrl = GetmyDeloittePageUrl(pageUrl, gatewayUrl,logfile, exLog, dtPageUrls);
port.Text= port.Text.Replace(gatewayUrl, newPageUrl);
//para.Text = para.Text.Replace(gatewayUrl, newPageUrl);
found = true;
// Console.WriteLine("Test");
else if (port.Text.Contains("http://gateway") || port.Text.Contains("http://portail"))
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(port.Text, @"((http[s]?|ftp):\/)?\/?([^:\/\s]+)(:([^\/]*))?((\/\w+)*\/)([\w\-\.]+[^#?\s]+)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$"))
string gatewayUrl = m.ToString().Trim().ToLower();
if (gatewayUrl.IndexOf("?") == gatewayUrl.Length - 1)
gatewayUrl = gatewayUrl.Replace("?", "");
if (gatewayUrl.IndexOf(".") == gatewayUrl.Length - 1)
gatewayUrl = gatewayUrl.Replace(".", "");

if (gatewayUrl.ToLower().LastIndexOf('.') >= 0)
string newDocumentUrl = GetmyDeloitteDocumentUrl(pageUrl, gatewayUrl, logfile, exLog, dtDocumentUrls, dtPageUrls);
port.Text=port.Text.ToLower().Replace(gatewayUrl, newDocumentUrl);
//para.Text = para.Text.Replace(gatewayUrl, newDocumentUrl);
found = true;
string newPageUrl = GetmyDeloittePageUrl(pageUrl, gatewayUrl, logfile, exLog, dtPageUrls);
port.Text=port.Text.ToLower().Replace(gatewayUrl, newPageUrl);
//para.Text = para.Text.Replace(gatewayUrl, newPageUrl);
found = true;
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)

Hi Nagesh,

Thank you for considering Aspose.Slides.

I have observed your comments and like to request you to please try using following sample code. It updates the hyperlink as well as the portion text.

Presentation pptxPresentation = new Presentation("D:\\test.pptx");
List HypLinks = new List();

//Get an Array of TextFrame objects from the first slide
ITextFrame[] textFramesSlideOne = Aspose.Slides.Util.SlideUtil.GetAllTextBoxes(pptxPresentation.Slides[0]);

//Loop through the Array of TextFrames
for (int i = 0; i < textFramesSlideOne.Length; i++)
    //Loop through paragraphs in current TextFrame
    foreach (Paragraph para in textFramesSlideOne[i].Paragraphs)
        //Loop through portions in the current Paragraph
        foreach (Portion port in para.Portions)
            if (port.PortionFormat.AsIHyperlinkContainer.HyperlinkClick != null)
                port.Text = "customtext";

pptxPresentation.Save(@"D:\test.pptx", Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);

I hope this will be helpful. Please share if I may help you further in this regard.

Best Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-16228) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 20.10 update and this Aspose.Words for Java 20.10 update.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-17557) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 21.7 update and this Aspose.Words for Java 21.7 update.