Dear Aspose team,
We recently updated to latest Aspose .Net from 22 → 24 and was hoping to get all old issues sorted out :).
It is indeed have a lot of improvement but still some issue remain.
Here bellow one of the example where we converting CDR to PDF with aspose and it gives a bit strange outcome.
I tried to use Convert CDR to PDF Online to be sure issue exist there as well and this is confirmed.
Original file:
Trotec (1.2 MB)
this is how it should like
1a79684c-522e-4aad-b86c-ab7f9bfe02e2.png (300.0 KB)
after converting with aspose:
image.png (3.5 KB) (2.4 MB)
any suggestion would be very much appreciated.
Assume if did not convert properly via online converter there is some sort of bug
@VartanSaakian, Thank you for your request.
Unfortunately, the version of the presented CDR file 25.10 has not yet been investigated by us and is not supported at the moment.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): IMAGINGNET-7584
You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.
Hey @stanislav.popov many thanks for your prompt reply.
Ill talk to my manager and ask if he decide to order payed support maybe for now we also throw some error in our software stating it is not yet supported 
@VartanSaakian There is no open specification for the CDR format, which complicates the support of new versions. Therefore, at this stage I cannot tell you for sure whether this will be implemented at all.
I will be able to answer for sure after conducting the study.
@stanislav.popov all good, sounds fare.
My task was to check and be sure we are not doing anything wrong so i can sleep well 
Огромное спасибо Станислав!
@VartanSaakian Thank you for your request!