Cell Comment Issue


Am saving a ods file to a xls file. In the xls file cell comment position is aligned to let top (i mean the position of the comment box). Can not see the cell comment box. Cell comment exist in the range C41 to C45 of the Sheet1 in the attached document. Am opening the attached document in Openoffice 3.0.1.

Attached the input ods and output xls file.



Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Cells.

Well, I can see the cell comment in your output.xls file. Please see the screenshot.


In excel it’s working fine. Try to open this file in openoffice 3.1.0. Then you can find the issue. Attached the screenshot. Long arrow is coming but can not see the comment box.



I do not have openoffice 3.1.0. However, openoffice 3.2.1 shows it fine.

Anyway, this issue has been logged as CELLSJAVA-26179.


We have checked your “output.xls”, the comment can be shown fine with OpenOffice3.2 and later versions but has the issue you described with old OpenOffice versions. But with latest fix of aspose.cells, the xls file re-saved from your “input.ods” by Aspose.Cells can be shown fine with any version of OpenOffice. So, maybe you are using some old version of Aspose.Cells.

Please try our latest fix Aspose.Cells JAVA v2.5.2.14.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 26179) have been fixed in this update.

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