Cell duplicates when opened in MS Word

I have a peculiar case where we are using the linq-reporting-engine to create table rows. One of the cells in the table prints is generated from html content like so: <<r.myField -html>>.

These generated files are automatically uploaded to SharePoint/OneDrive. When we open the generated document in Microsoft Word (desktop), the file appears fine. However, when it is opened by two users at the same time, the first generated row will duplicate itself. The cell will appear in both the previous column and its intended column.

If one of the users closes the document without saving, the column will magically render fine. If anyone saves the file while it is rendering incorrectly, the incorrect rendering will persist.

The HTML is pretty standard, there is not a lot of fancy formatting. I’ve replicated using multiple paragraphs as well as paragraphs and lists. This does not seem to matter.

@jtpaca Could you please attach the problematic document here for our reference? We will check the difference between the problematic cell and normal cell. Actually I am not sure the problem is related to Aspose.Words. Have you tried putting simple text instead of HTML into the problematic cell? Does this makes a difference?