Cell height


I have an Excel template that I write to first, and then I use PdfSaveOptions to create a PDF file.

I’m now having trouble with the row height. I am aware that 409.50 is the maximum row height. In my case, I could only see the maximum height of the sentences the user entered; all additional lines of text were cut in my PDF.

Is it possible to view every sentence in my PDF?

This Topic is created by amjad.sahi using Email to Topic tool.


Please note, MS Excel can only display limited sets of chars. You need to apply wrapping text (option) for the cell. Also, you need to extend the column’s width up to its maximum level, i.e., 255 chars (column’s width) and set row height to 409 points (when you apply auto-fit row(s) operation, it can extend to maximum row height if you have set wrapping text on, check topic1 and topic2 for your reference). This way you will get maximum text display in output Excel file and output PDF file.

Please note, MS Excel cannot display so many chars for a single cell (this is MS Excel’s limit), so, you should split your text data into multiple cells by yourselves, so each cell’s data should be visible properly.

We render PDF based on (input) Excel spreadsheet and not independently (Aspose.Cells is a spreadsheet management API and not PDF management API), so you will get same display of data in the output PDF as you view in MS Excel (manually).