Cell's Formula Without Spaces

Thanks for your sample code.

i am doing the same thing but still I am not able to get the Formula without space.
Even I am using the latest version of DLL “”.

You can verify the below attached code of mine too.
You can see that in grid Its showing the four values in that one of them is Cell Formula.

AsposeSampleCodes.zip (5.0 MB)

I am testing your sample project. In the meanwhile could you please download the following project and test at your end. I have not cleaned it and modified it to display all the formulas which your are displaying in your program. Give it a try and share the feedback.

I have modified your following function a little bit to perform a simplest test for displaying the formula. Replace this function in your project and just check that spaces are maintained in the formulas.

Private Sub OpenExcelFile(ByVal pstrFilePath As String)
    Dim objLoadOptions As LoadOptions
        objLoadOptions = New LoadOptions
        objLoadOptions.ParsingFormulaOnOpen = False
        objWorkbook = New Aspose.Cells.Workbook(pstrFilePath, objLoadOptions)
        Dim msg As String = String.Empty

        For r As Integer = 2 To 8
            Console.Write(objWorkbook.Worksheets(0).Cells(r, 4).Formula)
            msg &= objWorkbook.Worksheets(0).Cells(r, 4).Formula & Environment.NewLine
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

You may please review following code in your project which seems to create issue and try to change your logic for getting formula as mentioned above.

objCell = CType(objRangeEnumerator.Current, Aspose.Cells.Cell)

When this line of code is executed, it returns formula without space. Please change this construct with some other option and try your project again.

I applied your suggestion but still my issue is not resolved due to below statement

If objWorkbook.Worksheets(intWS).Cells.IsBlankColumn(intCol) Then
Continue For
End If

In my logic, I dont want to process on Blank columns. so, I wrote above If…Else statement and due to IsBlankColumn statement, I think it again Parse all the formula of the column.
see below entire code:

For intWS As Integer = 0 To objWorkbook.Worksheets.Count - 1
strWSname = objWorkbook.Worksheets(intWS).Name & “”
For intCol As Integer = 0 To objWorkbook.Worksheets(intWS).Cells.MaxDisplayRange.ColumnCount - 1

                    'THIS 'IsBlankColumn' IS CREATING ISSUE
                    If objWorkbook.Worksheets(intWS).Cells.IsBlankColumn(intCol) Then
                        Continue For
                    End If

                    For intRow As Integer = 0 To objWorkbook.Worksheets(intWS).Cells.MaxDisplayRange.RowCount - 1
                        objCell = objWorkbook.Worksheets(intWS).Cells(intRow, intCol)
                        If IsNothing(objCell) = False Then
                            arrData(0) = strWSname
                            arrData(1) = objCell.Name & ""
                            arrData(2) = objCell.Formula & ""
                            arrData(3) = objCell.Value & ""
                        End If

I can understand if you change any thing in ObjCell.Formula, It will be impact a lot at your side. So, What I want is new Property like ObjCell.FormlaOriginal
When you open the workbook, just fill FormlaOriginal property from Excel file.
If you give this new property my code will be like this:

                For intRow As Integer = 0 To objWorkbook.Worksheets(intWS).Cells.MaxDisplayRange.RowCount - 1
                    objCell = objWorkbook.Worksheets(intWS).Cells(intRow, intCol)
                    If IsNothing(objCell) = False Then
                        arrData(0) = strWSname
                        arrData(1) = objCell.Name & ""
                        arrData(2) = objCell.FormulaOriginal & ""
                        arrData(3) = objCell.Value & ""
                    End If


From your code, we found the issue was caused by Cells.IsBlankColumn() method which will trigger the formula parser. We will provide fix for it soon.

However, you should try to access cells “row by row” rather than “column by column” for as most situations as possible. Performance of accessing cells in row is always better than accessing them in column. If you have to access them in column, such as your logic in the sample code, you should just use the Range and IEnumerator directly. Checking the blank column and EndCell is redundant operation which will iterate those cells more than one time. So the checking is not needed and may cause performance issue for large dataset.

That’s good that finally you identified the issue.
We’ll look on your suggestion for “Row by Row” for better performance.

Still I am having the same question.
Are you going to provide that new property?

Supporting such a property is not needed. The formula is being changed because other operations trigger the parsing process. Just like our code, if you do not use those operations (in your code it is Cells.IsBlankColumn), you may get the original formula string.

We will provide a fix in which we will remove the trigger of parsing formula from Cells.IsBlankColumn() method because it is unnecessary.

Ok thanks,
I’ll wait for the Fix.


Please try our latest version/fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v20.1.9 (attached)

Your issue should be fixed in it.

Let us know your feedback.
Aspose.Cells20.1.9 For .Net2_AuthenticodeSigned.Zip (5.0 MB)
Aspose.Cells20.1.9 For .Net4.0.Zip (5.0 MB)

Thanks for your quick fix.

I would like to share another same issue with the file whose extension is .xls.
I am not able to get the formula as It is in this file with the same code that we modified.

The Code is:

             For Each objWorksheet In objWorkbook.Worksheets
                If Not IsNothing(objWorksheet) Then
                    strWSname = objWorksheet.Name & ""

                    Dim lstRanges As New List(Of Range)
                    If Not IsNothing(lstRanges) Then
                        For Each objAnalysisRange In lstRanges
                            For intCol As Integer = objAnalysisRange.FirstColumn To objAnalysisRange.FirstColumn + objAnalysisRange.ColumnCount - 1

                                Dim strColumnName As String = String.Empty
                                strColumnName = CellsHelper.ColumnIndexToName(intCol)

                                If objWorksheet.Cells.IsBlankColumn(intCol) Then
                                    Continue For
                                End If

                                Dim objEndCell As Cell = objWorksheet.Cells.EndCellInColumn(intCol)
                                If IsNothing(objEndCell) Then
                                    Continue For
                                End If

                                Dim lngMaxDataRow As Long = objEndCell.Row
                                Dim objRange As Range = objWorksheet.Cells.CreateRange(strColumnName & (objWorksheet.Cells.MinDataRow + 1) & ":" & strColumnName & (lngMaxDataRow + 1))

                                For Each objCell In objRange
                                    If IsNothing(objCell) = False Then
                                        arrData(0) = strWSname
                                        arrData(1) = objCell.Name & ""
                                        arrData(2) = objCell.Formula & ""
                                        arrData(3) = objCell.Value & ""
                                    End If
                    End If
                End If

FormulawithSpace.zip (3.7 KB)


Please note, in the new fix, we disabled the formula parser in Cells.IsBlankColumn(). Now you previous code should be able to get the original formula expressions as what saved in the template file.

However, as we told you before, we think you need not to check the blank column or end of column. Using the IEnumerator got from the column range directly should be able to give better performance, no matter if it is blank or not. So, could you update or accommodate your code segment for the newly shared issue. Moreover, it is always better to create new thread for newer issue. It will help us to manage the issues and to consequently figure it out soon.

I know what you are trying to say.

Though I am using the below simple code Its not able to get that formulas.

 For Each objWorksheet In objWorkbook.Worksheets
     For Each objCell In objWorksheet.Cells.MaxDisplayRange
        If IsNothing(objCell) = False Then
  	       arrData(0) = strWSname
  	       arrData(1) = objCell.Name & ""
  	       arrData(2) = objCell.Formula & ""
  	       arrData(3) = objCell.Value & ""
        End If

Asppose Exe.zip (4.9 MB)

In the above attached Project.
You can see the two file formats with just simple code.
you can test both the files. You’ll get the formula as its is in .xlsx format but not in .xls.

We were able to observe the issue but we need to look into it more. We have logged the issue in our database for investigation and for a fix. Once, we will have some news for you, we will update you in this topic.

This issue has been logged as

CELLSNET-47162 – Spaces are lost from the formula when accessed from XLS

Ok thanks for reopening the issue.
I would like to draw your attention towards the issue that you should check it with all the supported file formats.
It may also having issue with other file formats too.

Thanks for the feedback. We will share our feedback soon.


We evaluated your issue further. Please note, in XLS file, there is no original string expression but only parsed binary data for formulas. As, we told you, for parsed formula data we cannot keep the spaces in the re-built formula string. The space token in formula is a bit complex and we need to make further investigations. Maybe we cannot support is in short time.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-47125) have been fixed in Aspose.Cells for .NET v20.2. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by Amjad_Sahi

Thanks for the update.

But I am still having the issue with .xls file.
Its still trimming the spaces from Formula though I am using
LoadOptions.ParsingFormulaOnOpen = False.
It works fine with .xlsx file not in .xls files


I think you are talking about “CELLSNET-47162”. We already provided details on it in our previous reply:

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-47162) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by johnson.shi