Cells Reporting Services Export Issues

Hi Aspose, evaluating the Cells for Reporting Services and I am having an issue when exporting reports from Reporting Services 2005 that have drill-down enabled ...the Aspose.Cells renderer is way off, data missing, in wrong columns, etc

Attached is a zip that contains two exports of the same file:

Fee_Forecast (MSRS).xls is the native MSRS export

Fee_Forecast (Aspose).xls is the Aspose.Cells export

Any advice appreciated



Thanks for considering Aspose.

Could you please post your RDL File and which version of Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices you are using?

And could you try the attached version?

Thank you.

Hi Amjad,

Version used is

I tried the attached v1.0.1.3 and a sample of the output from it is in the attached archive ...it got worse ;)

RDL file also in archive



Thanks for the file,

We will check and get back to you soon.

Thanks for being patient!


Could you please post your StoredProcedure.


attached (really just a basic select...from... )



Please try this attached.



Please try this attached.


Hi Aspose,

Sorry for the delay (out of office)

It is getting better, but still some definite issues (see attached)

  • the 'units column has been formatted as a date
  • none of the 2nd level (and therefore also the 3rd level) items can be expanded or collapsed
  • the last item on the 2nd level has been expanded to display the 3rd level data

Thanks again!


Thanks for the file.

We will figure it out soon.

Thank you.


I don't understand "the last item on the 2nd level has been expanded to display the 3rd level data".

the report has 4 'levels of data, 3 of which you should be able to drill down into ...I have attached the original MS RS export that shows this.

In the latest Aspose render, the is no ability to expand/collapse any rows and the final section (starting at row 66 has been 'expanded to show all the detail rows that should be collapsed by default

hope this helps



try this attached.

because we don't have your database,we have to found similar database .

If this version has question, please post your database.

set option "summary rows below detail "as false in menu "Data>Group and outline>settings" in excel file.