Centering text in multi-line watermark

I am using your recommended code for adding watermarks to a document via a TextPlainText shape inserted to the headers.
My TextPath.Text value is “2 LINE\r\nWATERMARK” and the TextPath.TextPathAlignment is Center. I’m getting two lines of text, but the text is left justified…
rather than…
When the shape is rotated, the lines retain this left alignment, the W remains below the 2.
In Microsoft Word, the WordArt object supports multiple line text and the text on each line is centered. Is there a way to do this in Aspose.Words? I am currently evaluating version 11.7.

Hi David,

Thanks for your query. Please use the following code snippet with Aspose.Words for .NET 11.7.0. I have attached the output Docx file with this post. The “2 LINE\r\nWATERMARK” is center aligned in output document. Please let us know if you have any more queries.

Document doc = new Document();
InsertWatermarkText(doc, "2 LINE\r\nWATERMARK");
doc.Save(MyDir + "AsposeOut.docx");
/// Inserts a watermark into a document.
/// The input document.
/// Text of the watermark.
private static void InsertWatermarkText(Document doc, string watermarkText)
    // Create a watermark shape. This will be a WordArt shape.
    // You are free to try other shape types as watermarks.
    Shape watermark = new Shape(doc, ShapeType.TextPlainText);
    // Set up the text of the watermark.
    watermark.TextPath.Text = watermarkText;
    watermark.TextPath.FontFamily = "Arial";
    watermark.Width = 500;
    watermark.Height = 100;
    // Text will be directed from the bottom-left to the top-right corner.
    watermark.Rotation = -40;
    // Remove the following two lines if you need a solid black text.
    watermark.Fill.Color = Color.Gray; // Try LightGray to get more Word-style watermark
    watermark.StrokeColor = Color.Gray; // Try LightGray to get more Word-style watermark
    // Place the watermark in the page center.
    watermark.RelativeHorizontalPosition = RelativeHorizontalPosition.Page;
    watermark.RelativeVerticalPosition = RelativeVerticalPosition.Page;
    watermark.WrapType = WrapType.None;
    watermark.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
    watermark.HorizontalAlignment = Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
    // Create a new paragraph and append the watermark to this paragraph.
    Paragraph watermarkPara = new Paragraph(doc);
    // Insert the watermark into all headers of each document section.
    foreach(Section sect in doc.Sections)
        // There could be up to three different headers in each section, since we want
        // the watermark to appear on all pages, insert into all headers.
        InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(watermarkPara, sect, HeaderFooterType.HeaderPrimary);
        InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(watermarkPara, sect, HeaderFooterType.HeaderFirst);
        InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(watermarkPara, sect, HeaderFooterType.HeaderEven);
}\ == private static void InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(Paragraph watermarkPara, Section sect, HeaderFooterType headerType)
    HeaderFooter header = sect.HeadersFooters[headerType];
    if (header == null)
        // There is no header of the specified type in the current section, create it.
        header = new HeaderFooter(sect.Document, headerType);
    // Insert a clone of the watermark into the header.

That was the code block I was using (plus a few changes for color). While this produces the center aligned watermark in a docx file, saving the document to a PDF file or sending it to a printer yields a left-aligned watermark. Please see the attached files showing the different output in DOCX and PDF.

Hi David,

Thanks for your query. I have managed to reproduce the same issue at my side. I have logged this issue as WORDSNET-7016 in our issue tracking system. I have linked this forum thread to the same issue and you will be notified via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.

We apologize for your inconvenience.