Changing cell background color

I’m doing a prototype of a web site with the evaluation version of Words, and can use aspose to do nearly everything I need.
Part of the web site looks through a word document for placeholders (’<<text>>’). Certain placeholders results in a code that means that if that placeholder is in a table cell, that cell should have a red or green background.
I can search and replace the placeholders with their respective values, but don’t know how to: a) Determine if the text is part of a cell, and (b) how to change it’s background.
Any suggestion would be much appreciated,

Using Document.Range.Replace with ReplaceEvaluator will do the job perfectly in this case.

private void SearchAndFormat(Document doc)
    // replace is used to do search and format in this case
    doc.Range.Replace(new Regex("MakeMeGreen"), new ReplaceEvaluator(ReplaceEvaluator2), false);
private ReplaceAction ReplaceEvaluator2(object sender, ReplaceEvaluatorArgs e)
    Cell cell = (Cell)e.MatchNode.GetAncestor(typeof(Cell));
    if (cell != null)
        cell.CellFormat.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = Color.Green;
    // we don't need to replace anything
    return ReplaceAction.Skip;

As you can see in this example Replace method can serve not only for replacements but also as a powerful search-and-format engine.

Many thanks for the swift reponse- it’s been a great help!
P.S. I guess that there are quite a few developers who exclusively use rather than c#. Is it worth having a quick primer document somewhere outlining conversion tips (covering items like typeof vs. GetType)?

Yes, it will be nice to post examples in both languages. Currently I am having handful of problems posting code in even one, because our post editor destroys code formatting when I paste and I need to set indents manually all over the code .
Usually I post examples in C# but I convert them to VB.NET if the user explicitly states that he needs VB.NET code.
For quick C# to VB.NET conversion I recommend using the following online tool:

Strange that MS still don’t offer conversion capabilities in Visual Studio. Should not be a big problem for them I think.
Best regards,