Changing default language to list level=0

@alexey.noskov I am trying to change the default language to English(US) but the below code, I used it’s not working. Kindly help me.
Please find the below input and expected output word document.
Input_headding3 (2).docx (22.4 KB)
Expected_output200 (1).docx (21.4 KB)

public static void ListBullet(Document doc)
    doc.StartTrackRevisions("yuvaraj", DateTime.Now);

    List<Paragraph> listItems = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Paragraph, true).Cast<Paragraph>()
        .Where(p => p.IsListItem && p.ListFormat.ListLevelNumber == 0 &&
        p.ListFormat.ListLevel.NumberStyle == NumberStyle.Bullet).ToList();

    foreach (Paragraph p in listItems)
        CultureInfo info = new CultureInfo("en-US");
        doc.Styles.DefaultFont.LocaleId = info.LCID;

@Manasahr In your code you are setting the locale id of the default document font in the loop. If you need to change locale of a concrete paragraph you should change your loop like this:

CultureInfo info = new CultureInfo("en-US");
foreach (Paragraph p in listItems)
    p.ParagraphBreakFont.LocaleId = info.LCID;
    p.Runs.Cast<Run>().ToList().ForEach(r => r.Font.LocaleId = info.LCID);

@alexey.noskov I used above code but its not working. Kindly help me.

@Manasahr Could you please elaborate what exactly does not work. The locale of the selected paragraphs is properly changed:

Also, you colleague already asked a similar question here: