Arial">Following is a part used in our aspose word template.
Performance Detail |
Credit Risk to Investor |
«Credit Risk» |
If you see there is a merge field Status, which we replace with some HTML from the database through our C# code. Following is the piece of code that does this task.
string statusText = _summaryData["Status"].ToString();
statusText = Regex.Replace(statusText, "", string.Empty);
statusText = Regex.Replace(statusText, "", string.Empty);
statusText = Regex.Replace(statusText, "", string.Empty);
statusText = Regex.Replace(statusText, "", string.Empty);
Now the Merge Field have font of Verdana 8, but the final output shows Calibri 11. Please note we don't have much control over the _summaryData["Status"] which is coming from DB directly in the form of a long HTML string, but the final font we want in the output should be verdana 8. I have tried few things but not working. All the other text have Verdana 8 font on that page.
Any help on this is much appreciated..!!!