Changing percentage affects start data from previous tasks


Please provide us the new license too so that we will investigate that as well on our end to help you further.

how do you want me to send you my new license, now definitive? Over here? But isn’t this publicly accessible?


Please share the temporary license with us by sending private message rather sharing here. You can click on my name icon in my post and use Message Option to send private message where you can attach the license file.

Hi. I sent you the license file.


I have attached the new license file in our issue tracking system for investigation. We will share the feedback with you as soon as the issue will be fixed.

Hi. Some news?


We have prepared new version with a tiny test app to reduce possible side effects. Can you please try this app on your system and share results with us. You can use the library version in this archive in a case of success test.

  1. Download and extract zip-archive using this link:

  2. Place the license file into the directory with extracted files.

  3. CD into the directory and compile and run:
    javac -cp aspose-tasks-20.7.2-jdk17.jar && java -cp .:aspose-tasks-20.7.2-jdk17.jar App

  4. The application will be compiled and able to run. It will print “License is loaded without any problems” or exception can occur in a case of problem.

What you guided, it worked perfectly. See the image “aspose-terminal.PNG”. But, when I run my programming containing only the line that contains the license, continue to work only in the version “aspose-tasks-20.4-jdk17.jar”. The versions “aspose-tasks-20.7-jdk17.jar” and “aspose-tasks-20.7.2-jdk17.jar” do not work. See the image “aspose-error-500.png”

aspose-terminal.PNG (101.8 KB)

aspose-error-500.png (74.0 KB)

Do you have any other tips that can help me or guide me in some way?

Again, thank you very much for your help


The image aspose-terminal.png shows that license is loaded without any problem. Can you please explain the situation where it is failing. I have seen the other image shared by you that highlight exception. Can you please share details for that.

I am using an application that runs on apache-tomcat. I place the file “aspose-tasks-20.7.2-jdk17.jar” in the lib folder and start the tomcat application. After that, I create a service that imports “com.aspose.tasks.License” and try to set the license. I will send you 2 screenshots. One is how is my tomcat / lib folder on the server (linux) and the other is the complete error message.


Let’s proceed step by step. Can you please confirm that did the following suggested option worked for you.

Is license is getting properly loaded in normal Java based application and failing when an application using Aspose.Tasks license deployed as service on Tomcat server? If yes, then please provide a working sample project along with configurations with us, so that we may be able to investigate it further.

I finally found the problem. I had 2 files in my lib folder that I had used for testing purposes. When I removed them, it started to work. They are:

  • GroupDocs.Viewer.jar
  • groupdoc-comparasion-20.4.jar

Thank you very much and sorry for the confusion


I would request you to please provide a working and configured project with all files that you are using and based on that you are able to reproduce the issue so that we may investigate it further.