Character whitelisting


im trying to evaluate the ocr component
i cant seem to find where i can whitelist certain characters, as is possible in Tesseract
i know certain images will have only digits or other symbols etc.
this will greatly enhance my results, if possible


Thank you for considering Aspose products.

Please share the reference/documentation link(s) so we may get better understanding of your required feature, and raise an appropriate ticket to provide it with future releases of Aspose.OCR APIs (if applicable).

docs? im asking for the equivalance of tesseract-ocr ยท GitHub

if you dont have such a feature im afraid im goint to have to look elsewhere because this is of utmost importance in my use-case
please advise


Thank you for providing the reference documentation.

Unfortunately, the current implementation of Aspose.OCR APIs do not provide means to specify the white-list for the desired characters. We have now logged a feature request in our database to analyze the feasibility of the requested feature, and to bring it on our road map of Aspose.OCR APIs. The ticket Id for your future reference is OCR-33864.

Once we have properly analyzed the requirement at our end, we will be in a better position to estimate the release schedule for the said feature. In the meanwhile, we will check if we can find a workaround for this situation, and post here for your kind reference.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as OCR-33864) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by Aspose Notifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.