Characters getting corrupted on doc print

My Code snippet is

DocumentBuilder w_Bldr = new DocumentBuilder();
//w_fontFolder has arialunicode font.
FontSettings.setFontsFolder(w_fontFolder.toString(), false);
w_Bldr.getFont().setName("Arial Unicode MS");
//working fine when chinese characters are present
//eg:w_Bldr.write("我喜欢学习多种语t a");
Document w_Doc = w_Bldr.getDocument();"abc.doc")

So when doc is getting printed the characters are getting corrupted.
How to fix?
The attached doc has font set to Arial if u see on top.
Also in Microsoft word also it is getting set to Arial

@ruchita93 Unfortunateluy, I cannot reproduce th eproblem on my side using the latest 24.5 version of Aspose.Words for Java. The following code:

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.getFont().setName("Arial Unicode MS");

produces the following document on my side: (1.7 KB)

Here is how document looks in MS Word:

And here is how it looks in WPS Office:

@alexey.noskov So is it aspose.words issue or the downloaded doc issue since the downloaded document has Arial set instead of Arial Unicode MS.

@ruchita93 Most likely Arial Unicode MS font is not available on your side.