Characters with accent marks being converted to garbage

So, we have this code which uses Aspose.Words to convert multiple document formats (docx, rtf, etc) to rtf for display in a text editor.

This works fine except when: A. the source doc is already RTF, B. it contains a character with an accent mark (like ñ).

In this case the output RTF doc contains garbage in place of the character with the accent mark.

Anyone have any experience with this? Or maybe a bug fix… Does Aspose have a way to report bugs other than posting in the forums?

Here is some code that demonstrates the problem:

// .NET 4.0

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using [System.IO](http://System.IO);
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

// Referencing Aspose.Words.dll version

namespace AsposeWordsBugDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            byte[] rtfBytes = new byte[152] {
                123, 92, 114, 116, 102, 49, 92, 97, 110, 115, 105, 92, 97, 110, 115, 105, 99, 112, 103, 49, 50, 53, 50,
                92, 100, 101, 102, 102, 48, 92, 100, 101, 102, 108, 97, 110, 103, 49, 48, 51, 51, 92, 100, 101, 102,
                108, 97, 110, 103, 102, 101, 49, 48, 51, 51, 13, 10, 123, 92, 102, 111, 110, 116, 116, 98, 108, 13, 10,
                123, 92, 102, 48, 32, 65, 114, 105, 97, 108, 59, 125, 13, 10, 125, 13, 10, 123, 92, 99, 111, 108, 111,
                114, 116, 98, 108, 13, 10, 92, 114, 101, 100, 48, 92, 103, 114, 101, 101, 110, 48, 92, 98, 108, 117,
                101, 48, 59, 13, 10, 125, 13, 10, 92, 102, 48, 92, 102, 115, 50, 52, 92, 115, 97, 48, 13, 10, 95, 95,
                95, 195, 177, 95, 95, 95, 92, 112, 97, 114, 13, 10, 125, 13, 10

            /* Writes: 152 */
            /* Writes:
            {\f0 Arial;}
            // Note that the text in this RTF doc is the "**ñ**" on the second to last line.

            // Create streams
            var inputStream = new MemoryStream(rtfBytes);
            var outputStream = new MemoryStream();

            // use Aspose to write the source RTF document to an output stream in RTF too
            var doc = new Aspose.Words.Document(inputStream, new Aspose.Words.LoadOptions { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 });
            doc.Save(outputStream, Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Rtf);

            // Close and flush streams

            // Get the converted bytes that Aspose wrote
            var asposeDocsConvertedRtfBytes = outputStream.ToArray();

            // Here is the bug: 
            /* Writes: 1215 */

            /* Writes:
            {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc0\stshfdbch0\stshfloch0\stshfhich0\stshfbi0\deff0\adeff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}{\colortbl;\red255\green0\blue0;}{\stylesheet{\s0\snext0\styrsid8412110\sqformat\spriority0\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\rtlch\afs24\ltrch\fs24 Normal;}{*\cs10\additive\ssemihidden\spriority0 Default Paragraph Font;}}{*\generator Aspose.Words for .NET;}{\info\version0\edmins0\nofpages0\nofwords0\nofchars0\nofcharsws0}\deflang1033\deflangfe2052\adeflang1025\jexpand\showxmlerrors1\validatexml1\viewscale100\fet0\dghspace180\dgvspace180\dghorigin1800\dgvorigin1440\dghshow1\dgvshow1\dgmargin\sectd\ltrsect\sectdefaultcl\pard\plain\itap0\s0\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\rtlch\afs24\ltrch\fs24{\rtlch\afs24\ltrch\b\fs24\cf1 Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.}{\rtlch\afs24\ltrch\fs24\par}\pard\plain\itap0\s0\sa0\ltrpar\li0\lin0\ri0\rin0\ql\faauto\rtlch\afs24\ltrch\fs24{\rtlch\af0\afs24\ltrch\fs24\loch\af0\dbch\af0\hich\f0 ***’c3’b1***}{\rtlch\af0\afs24\ltrch\fs24\loch\af0\dbch\af0\hich\f0\par}{*\latentstyles\lsdstimax267\lsdlockeddef0\lsdsemihiddendef1\lsdunhideuseddef1\lsdqformatdef0\lsdprioritydef99{\lsdlockedexcept}}}
            // The text from the original document has been converted to garbage and is now: "___'c3’b1___"


Thank you for reporting this problem to us and for the additional information. I managed to reproduce the problem on my side. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is fixed.

Best regards,

Thanks, thats great.

Unfortunately I can’t follow the status of the bug at:

Since I don’t have an account there. What is the procedure for that?

Hi there,

Thanks for your inquiry. I’m afraid that system is for internal use only. We will inform you through a post in this thread as soon as there are any developments or the issue is resolved.



Thanks for your request. Our developers analyzed this problem and as we can see even MS Word cannot show this symbol (ñ) as is in RTF. MS Word escapes such symbols so you should do the same when create RTF string. So there is no problem in Aspose.Words.

Best regards,