Chart Contains Only One Bar when Converting Presentation Slide to Image in C# (32.8 KB)

the attatched presentation contains a chart for which aspose creates a wrong thumbnail. The thumbnail contains only one bar while the chart contains two bars.

Can you tell me what’s wrong with the chart and if it is a bug you are going to fix? :slight_smile:

We are calling presentation.Slides[0].GetThumbnail(1f, 1f) in Aspose.Slides.Net 23.3.1 and open the presentation with following LoadOptions:

BlobManagementOptions =
    IsTemporaryFilesAllowed = true,
    PresentationLockingBehavior = PresentationLockingBehavior.KeepLocked,
    MaxBlobsBytesInMemory = 52428800,
    TempFilesRootPath = targetFolder

best regards,

André Necker

Thank you for reporting on the issue.

I reproduced the problem with the chart when converting the presentation slide to an image.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): SLIDESNET-43936

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Please also share the following additional information if it is possible:

  • OS version on which the conversion was performed
  • .NET target platform in your app

Thank you!

I performed the conversion on windows 11 - .net6.0 and also on .net 4.6.2.

Thank you for the additional information. I forwarded it to our developers.


is there any information about when this issue will be fixed? :slight_smile:

I’ve requested plans for the issue from our development team. We will let you know soon.

Thank you for your patience. Our developers will start investigating the case this week and will do their best to resolve the issue in Aspose.Slides for .NET 23.10. This release will be published in the second half of October.

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The issues you found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-43936) have been fixed in Aspose.Slides for .NET 23.10 (ZIP, MSI).
You can check all fixes on the Release Notes page.
You can also find the latest version of our library on the Product Download page.