Chart Elements text frames not accessible (C# .NET)

I am trying to underline or highlight legend and axes labels in chart but the change is not reflected.

chart.Legend.TextFormat.PortionFormat.FontUnderline = TextUnderlineType.Heavy

It does not work for GetThumbnail(). Exported slide, however, is updated.

Moreover, there are text manipulation options specific to Text Frames that I need to access for Legend and Axis labels. Is there a way to do that?



I have observed the issue statement shared by you and have not been able to understand that completely. Can you please share the working sample code along with source file and desired output file that you want to get using Aspose.Slides. Please also provide the obtained output as well. I also request you to please also try using Aspose.Slides for .NET 20.2 on your end as well.

Add a Column Chart to a slide.
Underline the Vertical Axis text.
Get slide thumbnail and save as image.
-> Text is not underlined in Image.
-> On saving presentation, PowerPoint slide has underlined text

Reproduced in 20.2


As requested earlier, please share the working sample code along with source file and desired output file that you want to get using Aspose.Slides. Please also provide the obtained output as well.

Please see attached project. Thumbnail and exported PPTx are not consistent. (10.3 KB)


I have used Aspose.Slides for .NET 20.2 on my end and have generated the attached presentation and thumbnail. I have not been able to observe any issue. For your kind reference, I have attached the generated thumbnail and PPTX as well.

output_200306000343.png (27.1 KB) (30.4 KB)

Text is not underlined in your sample thumbnail and presentation.
Please underline the text and check thumbnail and presentation. You will see the issue.


Please check the snapshot of presentation opened in PowerPoint and generated thumbnail. They are identification.

image.png (148.4 KB)

sc2.PNG (122.6 KB)
sc3.PNG (157.9 KB)

Please see attached screenshots. Thumbnail does not have underlined text while exported presentation does.

sc1.PNG (80.9 KB)


Can you please provide the presentation that you have generated with your sample project. The presentation that I have generated with your sample project and opened in PowerPoint has no underlined text. I request you to please share the presentation and also PowerPoint version that you have used on your end so that we may proceed further to help you. (34.5 KB) (30.4 KB)

Office 365


I have worked with the sample project and observe the presentation file too. I have been able to reproduce the issue and an issue with ID SLIDESNET-41805 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-41805) have been fixed in this update.