Chart Title is lost when opening xlsm file with Office 2010


When we create a new Workbook of an xlsm file that contain a chart and we save it (without changing the extension), the chart title is lost.

Details: I have an xlsm file that contain a chart. This chart has a title. When I open this file with Excel 2010 or 2007, in both the chart title and format are displayed correctly. But when I create a Aspose Workbook object of this file and I save it (in a new xlsm document), the chart title (wording and format) is lost when opening the result xlsm with Excel 2010. However the title is correctly displayed ins Excel 2007.

I have attached a zip file that contain a .net app sampl, my xlsm file that has the problem and the xlsm file end result.

Thank you,


Thanks for sharing the project with template file.

I can notice the issue as you pointed out. I simply open the template XLSM file and re-save the file in the same format (by Aspose.Cells APIs). Now, when I open the output XLSM file into Excel 2010, the chart's title is changed to default title. However, if I open the output file into Excel 2007, it works fine though as you shared.

I have logged a ticket with an id: CELLSNET-40563. We will look into it soon.

Thank you.


We have fixed this issue. Please download and try the latest version: Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.1.2.7

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40563) have been fixed in this update.

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