Chart to image rendering - surface chart is not rendered in .NET


When converting some surface charts in Excel to images, I found the output image was empty.


        var workbook = new Workbook(@".\test.xlsx");
        var options = new ImageOrPrintOptions
            ImageType = ImageType.Emf,
            OnlyArea = false,
            TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit,
            OnePagePerSheet = true,
            Transparent = true

        workbook.Worksheets["sheet1"].Charts[0].ToImage(@".\0.emf", options);
        workbook.Worksheets["sheet1"].Charts[1].ToImage(@".\1.emf", options);
        workbook.Worksheets["sheet1"].Charts[2].ToImage(@".\2.emf", options);

The 3 images were empty and in test.pdf the charts were missing.

I’ve attached the test files for your reference. Could you please help me check this? (47.5 KB)



Thanks for the sample code and template file.

I am afraid Surface charts are not supported in chart to image or Excel to PDF rendering. Please check this documentation article (i.e. its subsection) for a reference.

We already logged it as New Feature but it is very complex for us and we cannot support it in near future and we cannot provide you any ETA for this. This issue has already been logged as

  • CELLSNET-40830 - Rendering of Surface Chart