Chart Types

Is there any plans to support a ‘Line - Column Chart’ in the future ???

Yes,we plan to support custom chart type in the future.‘Line - Column Chart’ will be included. Could you tell me your expected date for this feature?

The reports that we would like to reproduce in Aspose.Excel actually use the custom type ‘Column - Line on 2 Axis’. We are looking to start development on the project in around 6-8 weeks time, so it would be good if there charts were available then or shortly after.

Have you any release dates planned???

It’s very hard to total support custom chart type. But in your case, if you only want to support
the custom type ‘Column - Line on 2 Axis’, we can support it before the mid of July. Will that meet your need?

Yes by mid July would be good.

So if we were to go ahead with the product in the next few weeks do you supply updates as they become available???

Yes. We will continously supply updates to our customers. You just need to download it and deploy it in your machine. Please keep an eye on our release annourcement.

Aspose.Excel is discarded and replaced by a new product Aspose.Cells which contains all the feartures supported by Aspose.Excel. This new product also supports the advanced features provided by the latest MS Excel. You can create line column chart using this new product also as shown in the following sample code:

// Instantiating a Workbook object
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

// Adding a new worksheet to the Workbook object
int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();

// Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];

// Adding sample values to cells

// Adding a chart to the worksheet
int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5);

// Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];

// Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B4"
chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", true);

// Setting the chart type of 2nd NSeries to display as line chart
chart.NSeries[1].Type = Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Line;

// Saving the Excel file

A detailed section where you may get the information about charts is given below:

Get the free trial version of this product here:
Aspose.Cells for .NET (Latest Version)

Check the charts section in the runnable solution which contains number of examples here.