Charts title color doesn't changes


I was trying to change charts title color in aspose cells 7.1.2 and 7.5.0.
In both cases:
If SaveFormat.XLSX then all is ok
If SaveFormat.EXCEL_97_TO_2003 then color doesn’t changes

From code:

chart.getTitle().setText( “TITLE!!!” );
chart.getTitle().getFont().setColor( Color.getDarkCyan() );
chart.getTitle().getFont().setSize( 20 );
chart.getTitle().getFont().setUnderline( 1 );

As you can see in attachment, all other options works correct, except title’s color


Well, for XLS (MS Excel 97-2003) has a limited set of colors in its standard color palette (only 56 colors at a time). So, you need to update an existing color to add your desired color to it first before setting the color to the chart title etc. Please see the document for your complete reference:

Thank you.

Thank you very much! It works =)


Good to know that your issue is resolved now.

Feel free to contact us any time if you need further help or have some other issue, we will be happy to assist you soon.

Thank you.