Checkboxes not working in mailmerged document when saved to PDF

We’ve got a form (.doc) which is filled with code using a mail merge, then saved to PDF. It works on our development server, but on our test server, the checkboxes do not get properly checked. When we change it to saving as a word document (

doc.Save("Job Description.doc ", SaveFormat.Doc, SaveType.OpenInWord, response)

then it works fine, but as a pdf

doc.Save("Job Description.pdf", SaveFormat.pdf, SaveType.OpenInWord, response)

it does not.

I have attached an example of the form both as a working Word document and as a not working PDF. Notice that under “Operational Skills” the Word document has multiple boxes checked, while the PDF’s boxes are all blank. I’ve also attached the code which is used to create the file, and a text file explaining the relevant parts.

Thank you for additional information. The problem might occur because Wingdings2 font is not installed on the server. This font is not actually used in the document, but it is used for rendering checkboxes. So please try installing Wingdings2 font (see the attachment) on the server and let me know if this helps.
Best regards.

That did the trick - thanks for your quick response!