Using this following code of Aspose.Cells.20.4 for Java. I am adding a textEffect in excel sheet
Shape wordArt = sheet.getShapes().addTextEffect(effect, textCJK, fontName, size, fontBold, fontItalic, upperLeftRow, top, upperLeftColumn, left, height, width);
We see the expected text behaviour in Excel of desktop version.
When we open same excel file in the Microsoft web i.e. OneDrive. The excel file is showing the specific Chinese / Japanese charcters as grabbled.
1_Excel-Desktop-Client.JPG (176.7 KB) - Excel opened in the Desktop version -
Here we see the Chinese characters as expected
2_Excel-Web.png (149.4 KB) - Excel opened in the Web version -
Here we see the Chinese characters are grabbled
- (1.1 KB) - Source Code of the Aspose.Cells for Java -
Using this method I am adding the text effect programatically
- (7.7 KB) - Excel file generated using the above source code -
Whomsoever can open this file in Excel Desktop and Excel Web to experience the same problem