Chinese / Japanese charcters not dispaying properly in Excel Web of Microsoft

Using this following code of Aspose.Cells.20.4 for Java. I am adding a textEffect in excel sheet

  Shape wordArt = sheet.getShapes().addTextEffect(effect, textCJK, fontName, size, fontBold, fontItalic, upperLeftRow, top, upperLeftColumn, left, height, width);

We see the expected text behaviour in Excel of desktop version.
When we open same excel file in the Microsoft web i.e. OneDrive. The excel file is showing the specific Chinese / Japanese charcters as grabbled.


  1. 1_Excel-Desktop-Client.JPG (176.7 KB) - Excel opened in the Desktop version - Here we see the Chinese characters as expected

  2. 2_Excel-Web.png (149.4 KB) - Excel opened in the Web version - Here we see the Chinese characters are grabbled

  3. (1.1 KB) - Source Code of the Aspose.Cells for Java - Using this method I am adding the text effect programatically

  4. (7.7 KB) - Excel file generated using the above source code - Whomsoever can open this file in Excel Desktop and Excel Web to experience the same problem


Thanks for the template file and screenshots.

I noticed the issue after testing your scenario/case with your sample. But it does not look like an issue with Aspose.Cells APIs rather a behavior of web version of MS Excel (e.g., MS Excel 365). I generated the file via Aspose.Cells having watermark text and then opened it into MS Excel (desktop) 2007/2016. It shows the watermark as expected. But when I opened into web version (MS Excel 365), it shows those garbled text. Then, I created a new file having updated file with watermarks in MS Excel (I even re-saved the file in MS Excel manually). Now when I opened/uploaded to onedrive excel version, I got those garbled text again. In short, it is not an issue with the Aspose.Cells APIs. If you still think it is an issue with the Aspose.Cells for Java API, let us know with more details and samples, we can check it further.