Aspose.Cells always tries to continue processing even when certain exceptions are encountered for diverse scenarios. However, some errors are severe enough that they may make recovery process difficult but still the API attempts to make it recover. Still, in rare cases, it ends up getting invalid or corrupted data. Let me try to generically validate your provided ExceptionType values list a bit.
FILE_FORMAT - Occurs due to issues with the file format (e.g., an invalid file format or an unsupported file format). Recovery might be unlikely if the format is unsupported or corrupted beyond repair.
INCORRECT_PASSWORD - This occurs when a file is password-protected and the wrong password is provided. Recovery is possible if the correct password is provided. The document cannot be opened without the password, making recovery infeasible.
LIMITATION - This error happens when you hit MS Excel limitation. In some cases, recovery may be possible though certain content may be lost.
INTERRUPTED - This is typically caused by an external interruption (like the operation being cancelled). Recovery may not be possible.
IO - This occurs if the file becomes invalid. This is generally a recoverable error, as long as the
underlying I/O issue (like permissions or file lock) can be resolved.
PERMISSION - Occurs when the application does not have the necessary permissions to read/open the file. This is typically recoverable if permissions are corrected.
UNSUPPORTED_STREAM - Occurs when a stream in the file is not supported (e.g., a stream type that cannot be processed or is incompatible). In many cases, recovery may still be possible, but data associated with the unsupported stream might be lost a bit.
FILE_CORRUPTED - This refers to file corruption, which may cause structural damage to the file. Corruption is one of the most challenging scenarios for recovery. In many cases, it may not be possible to recover the document fully, though certain parts may be recoverable, depending on the severity of the corruption.
We will still evaluate your requirements thoroughly and provide you with more details on ExceptionType values.