Classpath problem in Weblogic 8.1


Iam using Aspose.Pwerpoint for Java in a Web Application running on Weblogic 8.1 SP2. I have kept the jar file in my lib directory. But when I try to generate a PPT at run-time, I get an exception. Only when I expiciltly set the classpath of the jar file in my startweblogic.cmd, Iam able to generate the PPT. Is there a work around for this. I do not want to specify the classpath of the aspose jar file in my startweblogic.cmd file.


Dear Bhargav,

You mean it doesn’t work if you put aspose.powerpoint.jar to the project’s /WEB-INF/lib directory?

What exception you got?

Hi Alexey,

You are right, I have the aspose.powerpoint.jar in my project's WEB-INF/lib directory. The exception that I get is as follows:

Exception in PowerWriter.setAsposeLicense :: com.aspose.powerpoint.AsposeLicenseException: Can't find valid manifest file.

I do not get this exception as long as the classpath pointing to aspose.powerpoint.jar is set in startweblogic.cmd.


Hi Alexey,

Could you figure out why am I getting the exception?


Yes, probably it will be fixed in the next version.

Hi, Alexey.
Has it actually been fixed?

Do you have any user experience under WLC10.0?

I clicked through all the case studies, and found only .net case studies.

Best, Philipp