Clear Selection of Column

Hi there,

please have a look at the attached file.

The Column "BZ" is selected. I just need to clear this selection an maybe set the focus to Cell "A1".

How can i do this?

Thanks a lot,


Hi Daniel,

Thanks for providing us the template file.

Yes, we understand your need. Aspose.Cells is capable to do the task. Please check the following doc how to accomplish it:

Note: this feature is only available for a licensed version for the product.

Thank you.

Thanks for your reply,

unhappily it doesn't solve the task. We tried to set the ActiveCell before.

//Set B2 cell as an active cell in the worksheet.

worksheet1.ActiveCell= "B2";

//Set the B column as the first visible column in the worksheet.

worksheet1.FirstVisibleColumn =1;

//Set the 2nd row as the first visible row in the worksheet.

worksheet1.FirstVisibleRow = 1;

The selected column is still present. Is there an other solution?

Thank you,


Sorry i didn't check it correctly,

your post solved this task,

Thanks a lot,
