Cloning an Excel worksheet in Windows and Solaris using Aspose.Cells for Java


I am evaluating Aspose.Cells(Java Version) on both Windows (our dev env) and Solaris(our live env). So far I am pleased with the outcome on windows, but cloning an existing worksheet in an excel template does not seem to work correctly for us. Our excel template contains a radio button group and a drop down menu in the template, in addition to the usual text cells and cell comments.

I have enclosed my excel template. (Sorry, I have removed most of the general text content due to security/confidentiality reasons) but the radio button and drop menus are still there.

The foll. is my Java code on Windows XP Prof. (JDK1.5)

workBook = new Workbook();;
workSheets = workBook.getWorksheets();


(Vishwa Kumba
Java Developer,
IT - WestLB,
Dusseldorf, Germany
Email: href="")


Thanks for pointing it out.

We will figure out the issue soon.

Thank you.


We do not support coping shape when copy worksheet. We are looking into this feature .Thanks for your patience.

Thanks for the quick reply.

So far I have tried with JExcelAPI, POI, Active XLS and Aspose. None of them have could fully support the cloning of controls like radiobutton or drop down menu in our excel workbook template. So Aspose could have an edge over others, if it can support this feature for customers like us.


Hi Vishwa,

Thanks for your information. We will make this feature in the future release.

Unlike the previous version, the latest version Aspose.Cells for Java V1.9.5 allowed me to clone a worksheet with a dropdown menu and radio button controls in the same workbook. However Excel seems to crash and initiate a document recovery process, when the output excel workbook is opened.

I have enclosed the code and the excel template.

System.out.println("Aspose.Cells(Java) Version=" + CellsHelper.getReleaseVersion());

Workbook workBook = new Workbook();"myTemplate.xls");
int index = workBook.getWorksheets().addCopy(0);
System.out.println("Cloned Worksheet Index=" + index);"out.xls");

Hi Vishwa,

Woule you please try this attached latest fix, I have tested your code and file with it and it works fine. Thank you.