Cloning Slide with Autoshape RectangularCallout


I have a similar problem as reported in Thread 'Cloning Slide with Autoshape Arc' started on 07-25-2006, 6:25 PM.. In my case the autoshape RectangularCallout causes the same problems than the autoshape arc in the thread mentioned above.

Cloning a Powerpoint 2000 presentation that contains an autoshape of type RectangularCallout leads to an empty slide when opened in Powerpoint 2000. Strange to say the same cloned file opened with Powerpoint 2003 or 2007 shows all shapes properly including the autoshape RectangularCallout.

Do I remove the autoshape from the source slide cloning works fine and the presentation is opened by Powerpoint 2000 properly.

Unfortunately my client works with 2000 :-(

Looking forward to your advice


PS: I am working with aspose.slides version 2.7.8. A test switch to the newest version has shown the same problems.

Dear Rolf,

Please attach the problematic presentation and also paste the link of the thread you are referring.


please find attached the original file and the cloned file. The originl file has been created with Powerpoint 2000.

The test presentation contains two slides. The first is cloned properly, the second with the Autoshape rectangular Callout somehow not. The Cloned file shows an empty second slide when opened with Powerpoint 2000. Opened with 2003 or 2007 all shapes including the autoshape is visible.

The second slide contains other shapes, but the phenomenon is repeatable with only the autoshape on the slide. In case the autoshape is removed cloning works fine again and all remaining shapes are shown properly in PP 2000.

The link to the referred thread is

<A href="</A></P> <P>Any idea!?</P>

Dear Rolf,

I have reported the problem to technical team and they will work on it. We are also working on similar problems relating to MS-PowerPoint 2000 presentations. Unfortunately, they are hard to be fixed. We will let you know as soon as we are able to fix this problem.