How do you create the date when the document should contain the long date formats with weekdays and months as word (e.g.“September”) instead of the numbers (9.) in the short date format? Are you using .NET mechanisms or custom built code?
Do you support any thread culture or only specific cultures?
IMO using the thread culture is not a good choice for rendering files in Aspose.Words. Microsoft Word has a different approach: It uses the language of the field and text in the document, regardless of the currenct culture or UI culture. This supports having date fields for multiple languages in a single document, which is very important for globalized applications!
We need Aspose.Words to render exactly as Word does. Using the thread culture here is a bug in Aspose.Words from this perspective.
Can you change the behavior in Aspose.Words accordingly so it behaves like Microsoft Word?
Regards, Ernst
PS: Excel has another approach and uses the culture from the current user, since there is no language stored in the excel file format.
Thank you for additional information. I logged your request into our defect tracking system. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is resolved.
Regarding the fix for your issue, we introduced a new option under the class Document.FieldOptions. You can now use this to set the culture used during field update.
Thank you for the work on that so far. We are now using this property.
However this is still working only partially. When looking at the conversion of the attached file “Language and Field Codes.xml” and its corresponding output PDF the field “NumPages” does not get converted according to the language.
This seems to have something to do with the format of the field (“1st2nd, 3rd”, “1, 2, 3”).
As you can see in “Numpages_AllFormats.xml” and its corresponding output PDF some of the field are working as expected while others are not.
This is also working only partially for the field function “SectionPages” as you can see in the attached files.
This should also work for field functions in all possible stories of a Flat-OPC-document (Different headers, footers (odd, even, first), headers in different sections, Textboxes, Comments etc.)
We are using Aspose.Words 16.2 for converting the documents to PDF.
Thanks for your inquiry. All of these issues have now been resolved and their fixes will be included in next version of Aspose.Words i.e. 16.7.0. We will inform you via this thread as soon as next version will be released at the start of next month.
Regarding WORDSNET-13715, it is to inform you that after when 16.7.0 version of Aspose.Words will be released, you should use the FieldUpdateCultureSource.FieldCode option to get the desired output.