Code snippet buttons in new forum editor do not format code propperly

It seems that when you use the C# code snippet burron in your posting it removes line breaks and generates the code as a single line with only the natural html wrapping being used.


Inside the code block
Line 1<br />Line 2<br />Line 3<br />Line 4

Outside the code block
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

hi ojo,

Now, We are fixing the bugs, please tell me others bug in the new forums.

HREF’s are not interperated propperly as in your forum signature.

hi ojo,

The forums support BBCode, so I modified my signature like below.

Dave Dai
Lead Developer
Aspose Hangzhou Team
[ URL =]About Us[ /URL ]
[ URL =]Contact Us[ /URL ]

Mode details please check:

It seems that when you use the C# code snippet burron in your posting it removes line breaks and generates the code as a single line with only the natural html wrapping being used.

hi ojo,

Did you try pasting by using the freetextbox toolbar button () for pasting?


There are 4 steps to create a simple Hello World Excel document through API.

Step 1: Create Excel object

Excel excel1 = new Excel();

[Visual Basic]
Dim Excel1 As Excel = New Excel()

If you have purchased a license, you should set license like this:

[Visual Basic]

Step 2: Get the Cell object in a worksheet.
Cell cell1 = excel1.Worksheets[0].Cells["A1"];

[Visual Basic]
Dim Cell1 As Cell = Excel1.Worksheets(0).Cells("A1")

Step 3: Put the "Hello World!" string to the cell.
cell1.PutValue("Hello World!");

[Visual Basic]
Cell1.PutValue("Hello World!")

Step 4: Save the spreadsheet
excel1.Save("C:\\HelloWorld.xls", FileFormatType.Default);

Excel1.Save("C:\\HelloWorld.xls", FileFormatType.Default)

Regardless of pasting the following should be Testing on two separate line but it is not. The code language block was entered using the c# toolbar button. is there a special newline character which needs to be used instide the code blocks, I have simpley use the enter key to create new lines within the code block.
