Code39Standard barcode is not recognized


I'm currently using version 2015.07.12 (as it shown in "Product Version") of Aspose.Barcode.dll and it does not detect the barcode I've attached to this message. In earlier version it would break with an exception "Invalid Rectangle" on the same barcode. ZXing barcode scanner on my smartphone is able to read it from the screen. Any thoughts?
Hi carl,

Thank you for your inquiry and sharing sample.

Please add the following line in your code, it will work and recognize the barcode. Further to update you that it is always recommended to use latest version as it includes new features and enhancements.


objBReader.RecognitionMode = Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeRecognition.RecognitionMode.MaxBarCodes;

I've installed latest version (16.12.1) and changed RecognitionMode from MaxQuality to MaxBarCodes, however this barcode is still not being read.

And by the way, DecodeType.TryParse returns false when parsing string "Code39Standard" in this version.
Hi carl,

Thank you for writing us back.

We have investigated the issue at our end. Initial investigation shows that when we try to read the barcode it is returning 23285 instead of 16-23285. The issue has been logged into our system with ID BARCODENET-36457. Our product team will further look into this issue and provide feedback. we will update you with the feedback via this forum thread.


Any news on this issue?
Hi carl,

Thank you for your inquiry.

This is to update you that we have asked our product team to provide feedback on this issue. we will update you with the feedback as soon as it is available.


Still nothing?
Hi carl,

This is to update you that our product team is working on this issue. It is expected that fix for this issue will be available in the release Aspose.BarCode for .NET 17.02.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODENET-36457) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by Aspose Notifier.