We found an issue in aspose.cells v24.10. The issue is when we export a “range” in the excel, even though the “range selected” doesn’t has any “long text/string” for any of the row for a given column. The output image “shows the space between the columns”. Refer attached screenshots.
This happens when we place “long string/text” in any one of the rows of a given column. But if there are no “long string” then it works fine.
We presume that aspose does this to accommodate the “long string”, which is totally fine if we “select the row which has that long string” . But here the issue is even though the “range selected” doesn’t have the “row with long string”, still it resizes to have more space between the columns.
We have replicated the issue and attached here with excel files and screenshots of two different scenarios (with space and without space). Use the “sheet name” and “range” in the respective screenshots when running the sample to see the difference.
Please provide a fix as soon as you can.
Below are the attachments.
AsposeCells_Sample_ZenDesk-111853.zip (33.4 KB)
excel file and issue screenshots.zip (97.5 KB)