com.aspose.cad.cadexceptions.ImageLoadException: Image loading failed: The Dxf version isn’t valid

com.aspose.cad.cadexceptions.ImageLoadException: Image loading failed: The Dxf version isn’t valid. Only Dxf: R11/R12/R13/R14/R2000/R2004/R2007/R2010/R2013/R2014/R2015/R2016/R2017/R2018/R2019/R2020 are currently supported.

please, provide the initial file so we can reproduce the issue.

I use this version: aspose-cad-22.1-jdk16.jar
Image objImage = Image.load(inputStream);, pngOptions);
The code throw this exception. but 20.11 not this expection

we need your initial DXF file to test on our side. (50.0 KB)

we can not reproduce the issue on our end. Could you please provide the entire piece of code that throws this exception?

It doesn’t have to do with the code, it might have to do with the environment, we’re running an exception in the Dokcer environment; It works on both Windows and MAC. Other Maven versions are also available

please, provide more details, e.g. what base image do you use when get this exception? Probably, you can create small example we can run and observe this error?