"'s signer information error

I am using Aspose.pdf Java library to add a binary image file from database into a PDF file. Using the code sample from Add Image to Existing PDF File|Aspose.PDF for Java page, I am getting an error class “”'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package

in the line below
Page.getContents().add(createObject(“java”, “com.aspose.pdf.operators.GSave”).init())


It looks like you are using an older version of the API. Can you please confirm that you are using the latest version of the API? In case issue still persists, please share steps to reproduce the issue so that we can further proceed to assist you.

you were right. We fixed it by redownloading all the same version.

Hootan Roosta


It is good to know that your issue has been sorted out. Please keep using our API and feel free to create a new topic in case you need any kind of our assistance.