Combine Pdf and Docx documents using Aspose.Words for .NET

Hello Aspose-Team,

I have a question about your Aspose.Words library for .Net.

We use your library to create and fill multiple docx-files and finally convert them to one single pdf,
now our customer wants a solution to add a Pdf-File to this finally created Pdf File.
So we would need an option to create one single Pdf out of multiple docx and pdf-files.

Is there a solution to to this with your Aspose.Words-library or do we need a extra library like Aspose.Pdf?

Kind regards, Felix


Aspose.Words does not provide API to concatenate PDF and Word documents. You need to use Aspose.PDF to concatenate PDF files. We suggest you please read the following article.
Concatenate PDF Files

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Thanks a lot for your answer tahir

@fse Starting from 20.2 version Aspose.Words support loading PDF documents. So now you can easily concatenate your PDF and Word documents and save the resulting document to any format supported by Aspose.Words. Loading PDF documents is the same simple as loading Word document. Simply pass file name or stream with pdf into Document’s constructor.

Document doc = new Document("in.pdf");

Please note, this feature is available in .NET Standard and .NET 4.6.1 versions of Aspose.Words.