Common DOC to PDF conversion issues and workarounds

There is a number of document features that are not converted very well from Aspose.Word to Aspose.Pdf, mainly because Aspose.Pdf does not support those features yet.

However, in most cases, you can workaround if you change the layout of the original document.

  1. Absolutely positioned textboxes or tables are supported by Aspose.Pdf. You might need to create a table with invisible borders and use it to arrange the text the way you want it on the page.

  2. Picture with text on the right. Similar to the above, create a table and put the picture into one cell and the text to the cell on the right of the picture.

  3. Lines, dotted lines and rectangles. Drawing shapes cannot be converted from DOC to PDF yet and this feature will not be supported anytime soon. You need to use some other means to represent these graphic elements. For example instead of dotted lines, use simply the dot “.” character. To insert square boxes, use one of the box symbols available in Wingdings or some other symbol font.

  4. Tab characters are not yet supported by Aspose.Pdf. You need to use other means to align content. For example, create more rows and cells in the table so you can arrange and align your text without using tab characters.