Hello, just a question please.
After processing pdf document we need to add text and/or image stamps (do not use facade class) either under or over the page content (translated into French, the words watermark and stamp mean respectively under and over the content).
Looking in your docs/forum/examples it seems that one can achieve this either:
- with TextStamp/ImageStamp,
- with WatermarkArtifact,
- with BackgroundArtifact
And they all have a setBackground( true/false ) method.
Please could your explain what are the differences between theses classes and help us to decide which one to use for this or that ?
Javadocs are just empty, and the different examples have nearly the same titles. All work but which one will I use…
Sorry but if your apis would be explained with all details in all your javadocs and docs, I’m sure many developers would not need to overload you with simple questions.