Compared document exported to PDF is not showing the red line on removed images


Is it possible to make the PDF exported from compared documents be consistent with the saved Word?
Saving the same document to Word and PDF results in different behaviour for removed images (there is a red line on the image in Word, PDF shows only the revision mark).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create document with an image
  2. Remove the image from the document
  3. Compare documents from 1. and 2.
  4. Save the compare document to Word and PDF

@PROCUREMENT2_DFINSOLUTIONS_COM You can configure how revisions are exported to PDF using LayoutOptions.RevisionOptions property. For example see the following code:

Document doc1 = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");
Document doc2 = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in1.docx");

doc1.Compare(doc2, "test", DateTime.Now);

doc1.LayoutOptions.RevisionOptions.ShowInBalloons = ShowInBalloons.FormatAndDelete;