Hi Amjad,
I could able to fix the above issue but
I have another CSV file issue as described below.
The comma (",") is causing the issue.
String itemName = “Less: Sig Inv, MSAs, DTA > 10% Limit”;
I want to display this this text in CSV file in single cell but instead it’s saving in three separate cells.
It makes no difference If I use --> String.Format(""{0}"", itemName)
If I use --> String.Format(""{0}"", itemName.ToString().Replace(""", “”""));
It show as --> " Less: Sig Inv, MSAs, DTA > 10% Limit". ( I could able to display this text in
single cell but adding double quotes at the beginning and end of the string in single cell).
Please help.
I am having another issue with PDF. PDF export page is printing the sub header (one single line) of following page in the footer section of the current page. Please note that the following page has only sub headers/headers but does not have any data.
This is happening in one of the 40 page PDF file.
I tried to adjust the bottom margin and top margin for current page but it worked for few issues earlier but for this current scenario it’s not working. I also tried the page break but its not working.
Please suggest.
Hi Amjad,
I do not think it’s appropriate to keep the private information on this website.
Could you please give me your email id?
Hi Narender,
Hi Amjad,
I fixed the above issue. by adjusting the bottom margin of the page conditionally. But I have another issue. Text is being getting cut-off on the pdf file when the zoom increased from
default 94.7% to 100% and above.
We have data on this page and can not put here on the website. I am requesting you to give your ASPOSE email id. I would like to email the screenshot attachment to you.
Hi Amjad,
Excuse me that in my previous posting I specified the word “private” instead of sensitive information. I fixed the issue that I posted here last week. We are facing another issue with pdf. The text is cutting off on the first page of the pdf when it zoomed to 100% or more.
We cant see the text cut off issue when the zoom size is 94.7% which is default size.
But The text is cutting off when the document is printed with default 94.7% or 100% plus. This is not acceptable. I would like to send the screen shot to your ASPOSE company support team. Please send me your official email.